Unity Ministries

Mission Statement

Unity Ministries is a covenant relationship, seeking to promote fellowship, keep dialogue open and foster joint planning of ministry programs to make, develop and strengthen disciples for Christ.  It does not seek to impose strategies for ministry, rather to enable wider ministry by facilitating cooperation.

Leaders and representatives from the United Methodist Congregations of Brookfield, Immanuel, Christ and Nottingham-Myers have worked together to organize Unity Ministries.  It is not our intent to limit participation in Unity Ministries to United Methodists, but rather to encourage broad community participation in ministry.

We envision that Unity Ministries will be directed by leaders from each participating organization and will respond to the needs of these organizations to minister together, whether among themselves (for example, joint worship services or Vacation Bible School) or beyond themselves (for example, VIM projects or Christmas in April).

It is our expectation that leaders will promote Unity Ministry projects and programs within their respective organizations. Unity Ministries normally conducts open meetings at 7:00 p.m. on 3rd Mondays at Brookfield UMC (no meeting in December.)  We are currently planning the following projects, and are open to discussing other community service projects: