
Sunday Worship
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings in one of our beautiful sanctuaries. Pastor Sam Tryon brings a meaningful message each week, and is assisted throughout the service by Lay Liturgists. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month.

Brookfield’s Sunday Worship Begins at 9:00 a.m.

Immanuel’s Sunday Worship begins at 11:00 a.m.

Please note that we have a combined worship the first Sunday of each month. The location for that service is alternated (beginning in January at Brookfield) and these services are at 10:00 AM. No Sunday School at Immanuel those Sundays.

For directions to either location please go to our directions page.

Riverside Services
For the months of June through August, the Brookfield-Immanuel Charge enjoy worshiping God (one Sunday a month) at an outdoor service at the Riverside Pavilion of Viola Lee and Chip Lee. A tradition begun under Rev. Ray Lytle, members, friends and the community come as they can, dressed casually, armed with an outdoor chair to enjoy God’s message. A wonderful time of seeing the morning through God’s eyes along side the beauty of the river. Refreshments are always available and a wonderful sharing of God’s world awaits you.